Thursday, October 17, 2024


for 24 hours, will be in Sheffield this time tomorrow.

We had a very good night last night, the children took part in the show until they were sent off to bed at 9pm. Dick was his usual garrulous self, he does love a captive audience.

Our hotel was very comfortable, although I did not sleep too well. Cereal and scrambled eggs on toast with orange juice and coffee for breakfast.

The Stawbridges were off early this morning to Cambridge for a show tonight.

DB is driving me nuts in the car, twice yesterday he insisted in taking me the wrong way and this morning I made him get out of the car when we got home, I was reversing in and the motor mouth was at it again. In future I will drop him off before attempting to reverse in. Our drive is awkward you have to come through the gates at just the right angle or you have had it.

Message on the car screen re the tyres, yesterday on the way in I had to pull over for a maniac, who had no thoought of stopping, drove up the middle of the road and I landed in a rut on the side of the road. It was quite a big bounce and I think thats what let a bit of air out of the passenger side tyres. The are back to the right pressure now. so all is well for our journey tomorrow.

Sunny morning, yesterdays laundry dried in the kitchen on the airer, so it will get  folded and put away.

Grocery delivery this afternoon, rolls to do for tea tomorrow night, also have a couple of jam tarts we can take with us.

Tonights supper, sausage, jacket potato and  beans.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Just arrived


We have arrived at our hotel, much to my surprise we have a king size bed in a very large room. Accessible bath room, as you can see the bath is in front of the window, and a separate walk in shower. The bathroom is big enough to hold a party in.

Just going to have our humble tuna mayo and cucumber rolls and jam tarts. We had lunch at home, corned beef and salad. DB had his yogurt and milk and repaired for his siesta, before we travelled into Leicester.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


the mist is hanging over the hill and looks as if it will descend into the town.

The chap is here doing the fence panels and I am expecting DD2 & DGD this afternoon to sort out the pram in the garage.

Did not have a good night at all, just over 3 hours sleep......must do better tonight.

I have managed to get the Lumi into its case ready to go on Friday, we are off for coffee at Hose tomorrow morning, travelling into Leicester ready for our meet up with Dick and Angel and the children after DB has his siesta.

Supper tonight is sweet and sour pork with pilau rice, I have a couple of oranges which need eating so we will have them for dessert. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Busy Week

in line for this week. I picked up the gardener this morning, his phone is US, so I will go over to pick him up unless its raining cats and dogs. He has been cutting back and emptying the pots of geraniums. We will top them up next week and plant the tulip bulbs.

It was raining when we got up, but although its cold the sun is shining. 

I have fetch out the suitcase from under the bed and given it a spring clean. DB has a list of things we need to pack. We will refill it for our trip on Friday. Double Tree contacted me this morning and told me that they had upgraded us because of our difficulties. So we get the accessible king size room.

It has full accessibility bathroom with walk in shower. I am going to try and get us the same room when we go in March next year.

Will take the gardener home whist DB has his siesta. I need to relax a bit, its going to be busy and my back is not brilliant, we are taking one of the walkers with us, in case one of us needs it.

Supper tonight is egg and chips, by the time I have taken Trevor back I will be crackered.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

An enjoyable night

We had a really good night, Tim collected us just after 6pm. By the time we say down there were 18 of us enjoying a meal. I am not sure but I think that because it was a smaller number it was a really good time, the first time we have enjoyed ourselves as much since we started supporting events at the Chapel. Tim delivered us back home aroud 9.40.

We were sad to learn that Joan, our oldest member after DB was in hospital and had been for the last 2 weeks. She has been increasingly frail over the past couple of years. I think the concensus is that she really needs more care, possbly with carers but more likely in an assisted living situation.

We were just going out when DB's sister rang, I will ring her back later today.

After a lot of soul seeking and discussion, it has been decided that I get a second sewing/embroidery machine, so I have to collect a Brother NV2700 when I take my Lumi in on Friday. We have booked to stay the night and travel back on Saturday. DB has also told me to put my name down for the retreat next March, so I will not have to tout the Lumi but can take the much lighter new machine. I have my name on the list and paid the deposit. 

Its sunny but very cold this morning. Supper tonight is gammon and veggies, possibly ice cream for dessert.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


at the moment it is fine, but very overcast, DB tells me we are due some rain later.

We wre a bit late waking this morning, I was awake for more than an hour in the night. Showered and breakfasted.

We are being picked up for the Harvest Supper at 6pm, so DB has set the recorder for a couple of programmes we usually watch.

Have been doing a bit of research for a machine, the one I have found is a new one, but a bit more than I wanted to pay, so will hold fast for a while and bear it in mind.

We also heard from the repair man, he is coming Tuesday to fix 4 new fence panels, my DGD also messaged they are coming Tuesday to set up her pram, its the onlt free day with have next week now we have a trip to Sheffield on Friday, stay over night and drive home Saturday.

So no supper tonight, we are eating out. The Chapel is a Charity so cannot charge for anything that goes on unless it is going to another Charity. Its the same with the lunch at Christmas. I always leave a reasonable amount in the plate that is put out for donations. Will leave £10 tonight, we usually leave £15 for the Christmas lunch. It does make me cross when quite a few people walk out without leaving a contribution towards the cost of the meal. The money raised goes towards the up keep of the chapel. 

The supper is usally cold meat. salad, baked potatoes and then a selction of desserts.

Friday, October 11, 2024

oh my

this coming week is going to be expensive. We are staying in Town on wednesday night after going to see The Strawbridges, friday we are staying in Sheffield.....I have to take my machine up to the dealers to try and sort out the problem that a stuck piece of thread has caused. I have elected to drive up and drop the machine on Friday and stay over, pick it up and travel back on Saturday. So over £200 on hotels and heaven knows how much on fuel. I will fill the car up before go to  Leicester on wednesday. After having a chat with DB I am going to look for a second hand machine that I can have in reserve in case this happens again. I just cannot be without a machine in the busy parts of the year.  Have just had two orders come in. There is also the fact that when, in the future, we have to go into a one bedroom, apartment and I no longer have a sewing room. I can sell my Luminaire and still have an embroidery machine. OK not such an expensive one, but one that will do the job.

Its turned into a sunny day, but we had a frost overnight, it was 3c when we went to bed last night and 1c when we got up.

Had a phone call last night from a friend asking if we would like to go to the Harvest Supper at the chapel in Hose. She is arranging for sosmeone to pick us up, so I do not have to drive in the dark.

Supper tonight, fish and chips.......


for 24 hours, will be in Sheffield this time tomorrow. We had a very good night last night, the children took part in the show until they we...