Friday, March 21, 2025

A bit of a change

 in the weather, still quite warm, but not the sun we had yesterday.

It was a new carer this morning, had not seen her before, as usual very good, both ready for breakfast by 8.45.

Not such a good night last night, late putting the light out, but still over 7 hours, so not too bad. I was awake with my right knee doing the fandango, took it a while to settle. I must remember to put the medication on my knees at lunch time, it does help.

Well today I have prepped and cooked chicken with red pepper. It will do two meals at least. We are having fish and chips tonight so I guess it will be chicken and rice tomorrow. DB has taken to having a dessert, so will do oranges in jelly, there is some ice crem in the freezer he can have it with the jelly.

We should have been up in Sheffield at the retreat........I will not be booking for any more, DB is just not fit to go, so its stay at home from now on. He is talking about going away for a few days, he cannot understand why I am reluctant to book anywhere. I got caught once before and ended up having to pay for the accomodation regardless......once bitten twice shy.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Another sunny day

temperature dropped overnight, but it is forecasy to get warmer today than yesterday.......people are going about with not coats and short sleeves.

Another severe talking to for DB yesterday, he does not seem to understand fully that I am no longer able to do what I used may help, we will have to wait and see. If I could get some sort of support for my back it would help.

Carers are just helping us to wash and dress. Once the dishwasher has finished at night, I set the trolly with bowls etc for breakfast, so in the morning I just pour the juice, put the weetabix in the bowls, milk on the trolly and the coffee, and in we go.

We both start the new medication, me tomorrow, DB on Saturday, so there will be some old medication to go back to be destroyed.

I am going to go out to the car and open one of the front and one of the back windows, it gets very hot in there, the sun is on it from early morning. I had lost the bag for the GPS, found it yesterday under some stuff on the table, so thats to go out as well. At some point I will have to take it to the car wash, its covered in dust from the building work going on next door, it shows up on the black finish.

Chicken and bacon pasta tonight for supper, have a small pudding for DB, his appetite seems to be returning. I got a chicken dinner for two from Morrison, I just have to do roast potatos in the air fryer, and cook the cauliflower for about 6 minutes in the microwave,....... Sunday supper done and dusted!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sun is shining

 again it was down to minus 2 last night, high expected 13c, if it carries on like this I will put the heat off during the day.

Today is car day, I did manage out yesterday to check the boot, need to get the rest of the stuff back in sometime today.

No idea what is for supper, will have to put my thinking cap on.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 sunny day but with a cool breeze. I have a load of laundry in, would love to hang it on the line but not able to. It will go on the airer in the proch.

DB and I had words yesterday.......rather harsh on my side, however I have learnt in the past that I need to do this to make him buck up his ideas and concentrate on getting stronger. I am tired of having to remind him to do his exercises, take his meds etc........ now I am out of my splint he forgets my leg is still not healed and the arthritis in both knees is uncomfortable to say the least........

DD2 called in last night on her way to DGS's she stayed for about an hour. I had hoped that she would be able to baby site DB next week, but she is having to work onher day off as a fellow member of staff is off sick. I remembered in the past I have used the community drivers for hospital appointments which uses drivers to take patients to hospital appointments. I have phoned them this morning, all being well I will be able to cancel the ambulance for the hospital visit.

Egg and chips tonight, should prove interesting.........

Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday again.

 another good nights sleep, just over 8 hours. I spent most of yesterday idea why. I am just taking my painkillers at night, not during the day as once I am back to driving I think they may affect my driving. Last thing I want is to be had up for driving under the influence........ of drugs!!

Not such a nice morning, its quite cold, forecast is for it to be better later in the week, we change the clocks forward in a couple of weeks so it will be lighter later at night.

Waiting for DGS to come and collect some stuff for the charity shop, he can take them in my car, give it a bit of a run.

DB is up and down, some days he walks ok, others he staggers about like a drunk!! I have given him another month to get his legs stronger, I want to go to the coffee morning in April.

Pacemaker appointment this week, will see what they say about changing it...........have to make arrnagments for DD2 to stay with him, possibly overnight.

No idea whats for supper, I have some chicken, I may cook that with some rice.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunny morning

but it turned dull later in the day.

I slept ok but have been very tired all day, a couple of bad nights during the week catching up with me.

DB had a nap this morning and then went for his siesta, he seems to be sleeping quite a bit just now.

I cooked salmon this morning, made a small salad and did some air fryer roast spuds for supper, finished off the chocolate mousse. Doubt we will be late going to bed late......

Tomorrow is another day!!


Saturday, March 15, 2025

No snow

A couple of weeks ago we were told to expect snow today, whilst it is very cold the sun is shining and there is not sign of snow, I guess they got it wrong again!!

Carer was a bit later this morning, I get washed and dressed first and then DB, that way the carer just has to give us our breakfast and then she is ready to go, total call time is between 30 - 40 minutes.

I need to try and get into the garage this morning, I need to look for a couple of things, I also need to look at our outgoings, things like car tax and insurance, things we pay for annually rather than on Direct Debit, that way I know the minimum I need to transfer to the savings account each month, so I can move the money as and when. needed. Its something I have been meaning to do for a while. I have a £250 limit on groceries per month as I get them delivered, I need to have a £50 buffer for things like washing powder and dish washer tablets which I get from Aldi. My brain needs the exercise!!

My leg is improving gradually, I have come to the conclusion that although I do not like taking them, I need to take the pain killers for my back and knees, so will take them at 12 hour intervals and see how I get on, its my knees rather than my leg which are a problem just now.

Need to do a freezer dive for something for supper, we are still only eating small meals at night. We usually have rolls or something on toast at lunchtime.

A bit of a change

  in the weather, still quite warm, but not the sun we had yesterday. It was a new carer this morning, had not seen her before, as usual ver...