Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Todays the day

DB goes to see the consultant, could be interesting, he had one episode yesterday, he is hoping to come home......we will see!!!

Another disturbed night but did manage 6+ hours. My leg gets the fidgets which drive me crackers. I am managing to do odd bits, but not much, weeks with the cricket splint loom ahead.

Carer tells me it's very cold again, I read that we appear to be in line for heavy snow again later this month ugggg.

Playing games and reading books, doing jigsaws on my tablet keeps me occupied for a while, watching old TV programmes as well.

Raking in the freezer found cooked pork belly, will have that tonight with instant (yes I know) mash and peas. Would have rice but it's in a pack for 2, do not like keeping left over rice in the fridge.


  1. Hope DB is well examined by a brilliant specialist and that he can come home before that coming snow arrives.
    Am glad you're keeping yourself entertained! Can you order some yarn on-line since you yearn to knit?
    It's snowing here and the snow is the heavy, wet kind but in the middle of the afternoon it will likely turn to sleet or rain. That will continue all night and most of tomorrow. Hope the power stays on!


  2. I sympathise with you, about having to wear a cricket splint. As I broke my right knee just before Christmas last year. So I had to get used to mine for 6 weeks. Hope you have a gentle recovery. Glad that you have a carer helping you. As that's been my job for 14 years. Can't wait to get back to it. Take care of yourselves xx



so yesterday turned out to be a bad day. DB managed to fall again, hit his head on the sitting room fire, no way I was even going to try to ...