Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Oopss forgot to post

I spent yesterday morning waiting for the gas man to come and replace the gas meter.....he arrived and departed without doing anything. I have to contact EDF he wants both meters changing so they work on the new series 2 smart meters.

I left here just after 1pm. had to wait ages to get into the disabled car park, eventually got in then started the long walk to the ward.

DB had emailed at one point to say he thought they were going to send him home, then he collapsed again, senior registrar, no you are not going home. I stayed for about an hour and a half and then travelled home. I had taken clothes in DM said he was fed up of sitting in PJ's.

Supper was sausage and mash with frozen mixed veg.

I had not slept well on Monday night, I was exhausted, so went to bed at 8.30pm, put the light out just after 10 and slept through until 7.55am, felt much better for the sleep. Today I went to Hose for the coffee morning to catch up and let them know how DB was. He has had an echocardiogram today and also has to have another head scan, they are trying to find out why he collapses.

He appears to have been ok today. I am not going in again until Friday. I have decided to use his walker, it has a bag on it, so I could put his kit in there. I have changed my bag to a smaller one, just got essentials in.

I have to take the POA in, I have control over his medical treatment, They need to see it. Also the DNR form.

We had rain yesterday and a bit more today, so I did not have to water, everything appears to be growing ok. message today to say that some more plants are on their way.

Just had my supper, baked potato with cheese and tomato sauce, yummy. Will be going to bed early again tonight, I need to catch up with my sleep


1 comment:

  1. Didn't the medical folk blame his collapses on the faulty pacemaker? That seems reasonable to me. Does he have the new pacemaker yet?
    I'm still exhausted with all I've done to get ready for the kids and the 'non-restful sleep' is more of a bother than ever.
    It rained for 18 hours yesterday and 2.15" of rain fell. Am again glad we're on high ground.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...