Thursday, July 11, 2024

Not again!!

 Its that horrible drizzle they call smurr in Scotland, its fine but wets you through........cannot complain though, saves me watering. The rose we brought from Hose has a flower just opened on it, its a compassion, the smell is heavenly. There are two more buds on, I am training it up the trellis between the kitchen and sitting room windows.

Was at Aldi just after 8.45. I really have decided that I cannot cope with a big shop any more, so will switch to Morrisons delivery and just a quick trip to Aldi for things I cannot get at Morrison. I also called at the post office to draw cash for next month......banking is down, hey ho no cash. Will try again tomorrow, if not will have to draw cash from the ATM and muddle through as best I can. Mac is due on Sunday to cut the grass and the cleaner and gardener on Monday, although the gardener may be off as the forecast is for rain.

The bed at the top of the garden. Trevor pulled bagfulls on convulous out of it.

Looks good from a distance, once the triffid has flowered it will be cut down and dug out, will keep just a small clump. I also will take cuttings from the shrubs and flowers in the bed.

Very bad night last night, only slept for just over 3 hours, drinking tea at 1am, so not much getting done today. I have down loaded a design for a quilt for the new baby due in December. The embroidery plaque is on hold for now. I need to look for some fabric for the quilt, Possibly cream with yellow embroidery. Will see whats needed and what I can get, might look at gingham with animals embroidered on on the plain fabric.......

Supper tonight, chicken and 3 cheese kiev, new spuds, cabbage and carrots.

1 comment:

  1. Your corner garden looks lovely and what a joy to smell the rose!
    So sorry for your meager sleep last night and thought you'd have a slow cooker or ding meal today. Hope you had a good nana nap!
    Last night we had nearly an hour of torrential rain and the forecast for tomorrow is rain day and night. We need it, but it would be better if the rainfall was more gentle.
    Still have no energy so am making (slowly) more fabric hearts.
    Next week our high is forcast to hit 38*C. Sigh.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...