Monday, October 28, 2024

Home sweet home

back to the daily grind.......went and collected Trevor, he is now digging out the large piece of montbretia, there are tulip bulbs tangled in it.

Great nights sleep, I did wake briefly at around 3am, turned over and back to sleep.......woke when the alarm went off.

I have decided to finish the drummer, he is not perfect, but so will only be seen from a distance, only someone with xray eyes will see it. However I need more stock for the stall, so need to sort that out, think it might be key rings.

I bought frozen sweet and sour so that will be tonights supper.

Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

  1. Tardy today as it's been a chilly day and a busy one.
    So happy to see that you slept so well last night and hope you're sleeping well tonight, too.
    Good decision to finish the drummer as all who see it will love it and be amazed that some talented person actually made it!!
    We went to the library today and voted while there. It is so convenient to be able to vote there. Heaven help this nation and may sanity prevail.
    I am determined to press/pin and hopefully start machine quilting Skylines tomorrow. I think I can, I think I can!



Its the weekend!!

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