Tuesday, December 10, 2024

After the excitement

Baby came visiting yesterday...... I had forgotten how little a tiny baby is........sleeping when he got here, but woke for food and nappy change then was given to Great Nana, like most new borns he hovered between sleeping and awake, it appeared that he did not recognise the voice, he opened his eyes, took a look and went back to sleep!! He is on 3 hourly feeds, unusually he has not lost weight since he was born. Mum seems to be doing ok with support from her Mum.

I slept better last night, we woke just after 9am. Morrisons delivery was a bit ahead of time, so shopping unpacked and put away. Both freezers are more or less full, so next weeks order will be mostly fresh food. I have a delivery coming on 20th December with food for Christmas.....I am sure we will not starve.

Now that the quilt has gone to its new home I need to concentrate on the sewing room. I need to sort out the little machine and get it sold, I could do with the cash. So will unpack it and check everything that should be there is, photograph it and get it on the net. 

Done it, all checked ok, its in the box  ready to go to the buyer.

Supper tonight chicken  kiev and salad, we have an s banana to finish up, so that will be dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how very sweet to hold a new great grand baby or any new baby for that matter. DS1 was born 45 years ago on Christmas Eve and that seems like yesterday. Congratulations to the whole family! Enjoy the visits to come!
    I imagine the new mum was well pleased with the charming quilt you made!
    Hope your sewing machine ad is spotted by someone who dearly wants a sewing machine or by someone who loves someone who dearly wants a sewing machine. What a brilliant Christmas gift it would make.
    I need to wrap a few gifts and get them in the mail.




But they tell me it's very cold. Carer was later this morning, all done and dusted. Have managed to sort out stuff for DB tomorrow.  He ...