Saturday, December 21, 2024

I see

I have just been looking at my scores over the week for sleep, It appears that every other night is a bad one. For instance Thursday night 5hrs 51 minutes not too bad last night 7hrs 50 minutes, despite me having to make tea just after 1am. There seems to be a pattern developing, need to try and see how I cab sort it.

It is sunny, but very cold, grey skies keep passing over. DB tweels me there is snow due tonight but it will not last. I hope not, I have a visit to Aldi planned for Monday early doors.

Yesterday DB received his request for payment for his family history, membership £229 for the year.Thats more than half our grocery bill for a month. He has cancelled it and decided to concentrate on Jigsaws, so has bought himself a  folding mat and one new jigsaw, he plans to visit the charity shops and see what he can find there.

I have cooked a gammon joint, put some honey in the micro to melt to brush the gannon with, forgot, the house stinks of burnt sugar!! Once its cold I will use the slicer on it....... sausages taken out, request for sausage, jacket potato and beans for supper thats what we are having.

1 comment:

  1. How disappointing to read that your sleep diary indicates you're wakeful every other night. No fun at all. DS2 has 'non-24-hour-sleep disorder so never knows when he'll get sleepy or be awake all night and sleep all the next day. That, too, is a real bummer.
    Oh, you've reminded me of when my mother kept the bag of potato chips in the oven (to help them stay fresher) and then turned to oven on. The odor of the burnt chips and bag was horribly stinky! I suppose it's too cold to open the windows to vent the burnt sugar smell?
    I love jig-saw puzzles but seem to do nothing else when a puzzle is on the table.
    The kids are on the road today and I'll be so glad to hear they've arrived at the new house. If you drive straight thru, it takes 10hr and 20 min, but no one drives straight thru.
    It seems we're having our only winter weather now and without snow and the winter months will again be too warm for snow. Sigh.
    Happy Winter Solstice!



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...