Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Its Christmas Eve

It was after 10am when I woke this morning, I actually broke the 9 hour sleep!! Cannot be bad.

DB is sleeping longer, I guess because he is now in his 90's. He has always been a good sleeper, I have known him sleep standing up on a train!! wish he would give some of that to me.

Supper tonight is braised beef, we will eat about 4pm as we were so late getting up....... I have cooked it, just have to reheat it and cook the veggies. We will probably eat at the same time tomorrow as well. The turkey breast is defrosting.....

I did spend a few minutes in the sewing room, I have the rows for the floor mat put together, it needs a press and then I can layer it up and use the serpentine pattern on the machine to quilt it. I plan to sew a sample nativity decoration, am going to try out the embroidery on the little machine I bought recently.

So another year is almost over, this time last year we had no idea we would be moving into Melton. We discussed it over the holiday, I quickly realised that it was something we needed to do now and not wait a couple of years......so we did it!! It has been sucessful, the garden was a night mare, but thatks to the sterling efforts of Trevor it is now under control, and as long as I am able to fetch him it will stay that way.

We have an appointment for eye tests coming up, so I shall be asking the optician if my eyes are still ok to drive. Pleas keep fingers crossed. They are bringing in tests for the over 70's. Life will be very difficult if I have to give up the car.

So a quiet day  today as tomorrow will be, I just wish all my readers a very happy Christmas with your families.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful for a night a good sleep!!
    I'm glad you two made the move as life closer to town would be easier. I remember that this garden wasn't the only garden that was a nightmare before you got your hands on those other gardens. You have left beauty behind you where you first found a tangled weedy mess.
    Again, I look forward to seeing the floor mat. No sewing here as I lack the energy.
    DS1 is 45 today much to our amazement and he is a delight.
    Am headed to the kitchen to make another corn pudding (not dessert!) as we all love it. There will be buttered corn for DIL who doesn't love the corn pudding!
    We wish you and DB a very Happy Christmas and wonderful year ahead!



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...