Friday, February 21, 2025


 Another day the same as yesterday, B managed to choke twice, not a happy bunny, looks like he is going to have to have mashed up meals.

I am much the same, fed up, the brace on my leg has worked loose again, I have to keep hauling it back up.

DB keeps asking Mr for things, he does not seem to realise I have a broken leg, he seems to think I can do anying he's wearing a bit thin!!

DD2 is bringing fish and chips tonight, so one meal I do not have to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. Hope DB gets his ability to swallow normal food without choking and that he notices your leg splint so realizes without asking that you cannot jump up often just because he wants something.
    Yum! Fish and chips and no cooking tonight!
    When I have the binding on the little wall quilt, I hope to cut borders for another quilt. All in the same day? Maybe, maybe not!




  Another day the same as yesterday, B managed to choke twice, not a happy bunny, looks like he is going to have to have mashed up meals. I ...