Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hectic morning

 DB'S carer changed today, a lady who had been to the house before when a previous gentleman had lived here.

Chiropodist came shortly followed by the chap with a new walker for DB and the trolly, I used the trolly at lunch time to bring the lunch in, worked very well.

It's been a sunny day, nice to see blue sky for a change, although snow if forecast for the beginning of March.

The garden is full of snowdrops, because of the mess the garden was in last year, when we moved in it was impossible to see them, the side garden by the car is full of them. Such a pretty sight. I will see if DD2 can take a photo of them and send it to me.

1 comment:

  1. What a busy morning at your home with lots of people in and out. Hope the afternoon is calmer! Nice to have the trolley and I hope DB finds the new walker helpful.
    How delightful to find surprise snowdrops outside your door!
    Last Tuesday we were expecting snow and today and following two days, the high will be 21*C. Hope the mud dries up.
    I'll be sewing labels on two small projects today, get the wheelie bins filled up and to the street, and sweep the remains of bird seed off the porch.



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