Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sunny day but brrrrrr

A bit less sleep last night, awake reading at 3am.

DBs care is being taken over by the reablement team from Monday...... mine stays the same.

Order delivered this morning, mostly put away, just a couple of things I will try and get away later.

A friend brought me about 3 months weekly copies of The People Friend, that will keep me going reading wise for a while.....along with my tablet.

Both of us are feeling a bit better, but it's going to take time for both of us.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your wakeful night and hope tonight's sleep will be long and restful.
    What does DB's new team do differently from his other care team?
    Nice to have groceries in, isn't it?!
    DH went to pick up an Rx and got a few groceries while there as 4"- 8" of snow is likely tomorrow. Time will tell. I'm doing laundry so all of our snug and cozy clothes will be ready to wear.
    I've chosen backing fabric for little wall quilt I've made and borders for a Laurel Burch panel that will go to a friend who has red/green color blindness. Did I tell you this yesterday? Cannot send photos til I have a new card reader.



Sunny day but brrrrrr

A bit less sleep last night, awake reading at 3am. DBs care is being taken over by the reablement team from Monday...... mine stays the same...