Saturday, February 15, 2025

We are home

DB arrived home at 5.15pm, just as DD2 arrived with fish and chips.

His carer landed at 8pm, to get him ready for bed, my carer had been earlier. We sat watching a couple of programmes I had recorded and retired ro bed about 10pm.

DB went straight to sleep, I lay for quite a while before going to sleep myself. I had been sleeping in DBs chair, I could not get comfortable in the bed.

DB was first up, washed and dressed, my carer was very late, her partner had a tyre blow out on her car, she said she would be late all day.

Several phone calls for DB, various people wanting to come to see him. Going to be busy next week

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that DB is home and the two carers are helping as they should. Bother about the tire blow-out that made your carer tardy.
    Nice DB arrived in time for fish and chips, too!
    Hope your visitors won't exhaust you two and their visits will be brief and scheduled.
    You two take it easy, stay warm, and enjoy conversations and naps.
    We're to have wild storms with wind this afternoon so am not looking forward to that. Hope the trees stay up and the electricity stays on!



Sunny day but brrrrrr

A bit less sleep last night, awake reading at 3am. DBs care is being taken over by the reablement team from Monday...... mine stays the same...