Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunny Sunday

so far, the porch was really warm when I opened the kitched door, left the door to the garden open, I have a load of washing in so will need to hang it out hopefully to dry.

DB was in good spirts yesterday when I went in, was there for just over 2 hours, came home and cooked myself egg and bacon. I am just not hungry.

Decent night almost 8 hours in bits, I put the light out at 10pm, woke a couple of times, eventually surfaced at 8.30. Managed to get out of bed at 10am. Found a message from DB he had another 'turn' at 11pm. I am not going in today. Will go tomorrow after I take T back, I can get up to the A46 from there quite easily.

No plans to do anything energetic today, the drive the the hospital is tiring enough, need to conserve my strength.

No sure whats for supper, I might just have a jacket potato and salad with some cheese.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Visiting day

I had a quiet day yesterday, did nothing except the essentials. The towels ended up in the dryer, it started to rain.

DB did not have a good day a couple of 'episodes' one was quite a bad one. He phoned me in the afternoon, and now he is connected to the internet is sending me messages, he is looking forward to me going in this afternoon sometime. I am waiting for M to come and fit up the water barrel to the rain water pipe on the garage. Just in time for it to collect the rain we are forecast for Monday.

No idea whats for supper, might do myself bacon and egg with a slice of fried bread.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Dull morning

DB was moved twice yesterday, he sent me an email to say which ward he was on. I phoned this morning, he had just had one of this vacant moments, did speak to him but briefly.

Not such a good night as I had hoped, got up at 7.30 and took a cup of tea back to bed after setting the washer to wash the towels, they are now on the line, although I doubt it will dry much, will have put them in the dryer later.

Goshi has been in to see me this morning, they are coming back after Ella finishes school. The grass needs cutting again.

No hospital visit today I am not sure when or if they are coming to sort out the meters, after yesterday I need respite from the traffic, it was horrendous getting into the parking at the hospital, and then trying to get to the A46 to come home. I think ion futute I might try about 11.30, although I have a feeling that the traffic at the hospital is always busy.

Fish and chips for supper I think, I have the remains of yesterday corned beef sarnies to finish at lunchtime.


Thursday, May 2, 2024


Today has been a full on day, This morning the service for Beryl at Grantham. A very simple service, there were only 12 of us there. The flowers that were on the coffin have been taken to Gretton Court where she lived for the last 3 years.

A quick trip home for some lunch and then on to Leicester to see DB. He has at last been moved into a ward, The consultant came to see him whilst I was there. It was a long walk to where he was I have been told when I go in again to go to the help desk and get a wheel chair. He still has the headache and the discomfort in the neck and shoulders. I re-iterated he should not be given Morphine as a pain killer.

I had a Morrison order to come between 5.30 and 6.30. The traffic was terrible both in and out, I left the hospital at 4.30, arrived home just after 6pm, thankfully the delivery was late.

I am exhausted, was awake at 4.30am, so I will be aiming for bed about 9pm.

Fabulous day weatherwise, I was so pleased the sun shone for Beryl, there is nothing worse than a funeral in the wet cold weather.

I was so hungry when I got home, demolished corned beef sandwiches.

They are supposed to be coming to do the meters tomorrow, ao I will have an easy day at home. Going in to see DB on Saturday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Yesterday did not end well.

 DB fell in the garden yesterday and banged the back of his head. Our next door neighbour is a Paramedic, he suggested I ring 999 which I did. They wanted me to take DB in in the car, soon told them where to get off there. We waited 61/2hours before the ambulance came, they had a trainee with them, it took her over an hour to do the obs etc. As they were taking DB out, of course he had to make things difficult by collapsing, as is his want. Eventually they got him tinto the ambulance and away.

I rang about 9pm, he has a scan which as I suspected showed zilch. Just as I was going to bed the hospital rang, they had given him Morphine aarrggg, he is allergic to it, they wanted me to drive in 25 miles to sit with way. Not allowed to drive in the dark.

Needless to say I did not have a good night, I rang this morning and was told he was still in A&E waiting for a bed in the elderly frail ward....... humm he would love that.

I have to wait until I know they have moved him before I can go in, they did say they had given him the antidote for the Morphine and he was ok, I need to get it added to the list of things he is allergic to.

So I am shattered, just had some lunch, waiting for two phone calls, they want to change the meters this week...... and also from my old neighbour about some stuff that was delivered to the wrong address.

Fine day but cool, the sun is just beginning to break through. I got all the laundry dried on the whirly yesterday, there was quite a strong breeze.

Chicken pasta for my supper, possibly an orange for dessert, there are some that need using up.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another late post

Water flooding the garage

flooded patio

This looks better, the ground in front of the trees has about 12 Fuschia plants coming through

All the catoneaster has now gone and you can see the camelia in all its glory

Hydrangea its red when the flowers come out, by the door to the porch

White Rhodi in the centre of the front garden

The compassion rose we brought with us from Hose. Will tie is back to the trellis when it gets a bit bigger.

Plants for the pots in the porch.

Geraniums for the patio pots.

Sorry I am late posting. DB went out to do his 1/2 hour, next thing I knew he had fallen and hit the back of his head on the concrete, for the last 5 hours I have been waiting for an ambulance to collect him and take him for an exray. He is moaning about his head hurts, but due to the fact that he is on blood thinners, they need to make sure there is no internal bleed.

I have sat around all morning, so decided to go out and take some photos of the garden since its cut back yesterday, so here goes.

No idea re DB they did say there was a 6 hour wait, its now 5 1/2hrs since I phoned. Have just chewed him off a strip, the number of times I have told him to stay out of the garden and he deliberatly ingnores me, afraid I have run out of patience. 30+ years I have put up with it and I have just had enough!!!

No idea about supper.......

Monday, April 29, 2024

Late post today

We woke up to sun, after the rain yesterday I could not believe it......all the water has drained away.

I drove over to Hose to pick up our old gardener. He was coming to do some cutting back in the front garden, after a coffee, he was out and on it. I could not believe what he fetched out, the garden looks a lot better now. there are two trees close together, one is an ash tree, am not sure what the other one is. In front of the trees there are about 5 bush fuchias which are starting to grow, will have to put some feed on the, I guess its years since they were fed.

Whilst I was taking T hone, DB arranged to have all the waste taken away by someone who was working on the house round the corner. He has spoken to the green waste chap and we have to cut the woody bits up and put it in a bag, he will then put it into the masher.

So not much else done. T dug the hole for the support for the clothes pole so I will put a load on tonight and hopefully will be able to hang it out tomorrow.

Supper tonight is egg and chips, I might just about be able to do that.

Sunny Sunday

so far, the porch was really warm when I opened the kitched door, left the door to the garden open, I have a load of washing in so will need...