Monday, April 29, 2024

Late post today

We woke up to sun, after the rain yesterday I could not believe it......all the water has drained away.

I drove over to Hose to pick up our old gardener. He was coming to do some cutting back in the front garden, after a coffee, he was out and on it. I could not believe what he fetched out, the garden looks a lot better now. there are two trees close together, one is an ash tree, am not sure what the other one is. In front of the trees there are about 5 bush fuchias which are starting to grow, will have to put some feed on the, I guess its years since they were fed.

Whilst I was taking T hone, DB arranged to have all the waste taken away by someone who was working on the house round the corner. He has spoken to the green waste chap and we have to cut the woody bits up and put it in a bag, he will then put it into the masher.

So not much else done. T dug the hole for the support for the clothes pole so I will put a load on tonight and hopefully will be able to hang it out tomorrow.

Supper tonight is egg and chips, I might just about be able to do that.

1 comment:

  1. How nice your gardener could come and get the garden in shape so you and DB can begin to plan what you want to plannt or move.
    We need to move more furniture today and hope we have the energy. It's just 2 weeks until Z&L plan to arrive with some of their furniture.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...