Saturday, May 11, 2024

Change of scene

So, DB was taken across to the hospital at Glenfield, much easier for me to get to. He is settled in and I will be off to visit a bit later.

Another lovely day, a bit of a breeze is keeping the temperature down a bit. I have laundry out on the line whicu should be dry now, will fetch it in before I go off to the hospital.

Yesterday was a quiet day, did a few job round the house, including moving all the plants out of the porch, they are now sheltered by the side of the house. It was very warm last night when I went to bed, had a job to get to sleep, think I am going to have to change the duvet for the lighter one.

Walked round the garden this morning, we have a massive growth of what looks like either raspberries or blackberries coming up in the bed nearest the house. Some one has planted aliums, further up the garden, I noticed them a few days ago. It looks like I am going to be able to use Trevor for at least another 6 weeks to get the garden at the back under control, I am also waiting to hear from Mac when he is coming again.

I have a pasta bake for supper tonight. Eating my way through the fresh fruit for dessert. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad DB is in a handier location where he can get his pacemaker replaced and - hopefully - be done with the sinking spells.
    It's good you're eating well and keeping busy.
    Are you doing any sewing? I'm not as all of my energy is used up getting ready for Z&L's arrival Monday night. I think I'm perma-tired.
    Chilly day here and that's welcome.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...