Friday, May 10, 2024

Another sunny day

Another quite hot day, windows and doors open to let some air in. I have put all the plants that were in the porch out at the side of the house I think the temperature will be ok. I have planred up one of the stone planters, its going in the middle of the front garden, the rhodi is starting to go over, so it can come into the back.

I have done some research re the  ground under the trees at the front. I think the answer is to plant perennial ground cover, so if its kept under control will cover the bare ground. I have put away £60 for the plants, and thats all I am spending on the front or back garden. I need to do a round with the spray weed killer, we have a superb show of dandelions. I also need to find the connector to connect the hose to the outside tap, so its easier to water the pots.

No news so far of DB moving to Glenfield. I suspect it will be early next week. He was seen by somone from ENT re his coughing and choking, I have been saying for ages that there was something wrong with his swallow.....vindicated.....he choked on a piece of macaroon!! They are going to keep an eye on him.

Went up to the library bus, books in for DB some for me too and picked up another couple as well. the next visit is in 3 weeks instead of 4.

Fish and chips tonight, have a couple of chocolate mousse to finish, so thats dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Glad they're investigating DB's problems and found the cause of his choking. Hope he gets his new pacemaker promptly.
    We love periwinkle as a ground cover as it doesn't climb like ivy does.
    Another busy day of furniture moving but the end is in sight. It's cooler today so that will be nice, too.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...