Thursday, May 9, 2024


Yesterday was very hot, I did manage to do some weeding and put in the catshoo and also lavender, was crackered when I had finished.

DD2 came with E on the way home from school, I set off for the hospital when they had gone. DB had a good day, I also managed to see the Dr and talk over DB's medication etc. It looks like he will be in there for a few more days.

Traffic was a little easier on the way home, remembered to take the right turn off this time. Spent the evening watching TV.

I need to do some phoning this morning, really need to get the electric etc sorted. I also need to ring to get a blood test at some point and also an appointment to get my eyes tested.

Might put the rest of the lavender in and also DB's courgette, I am not visiting again until Saturday, DB is quite happy now he is getting the right medication at the right time.

I also need a quick trip to Aldi, so might do that now, then the rest of the day is mine.

No idea about supper, will have to have a sort out.

Update...... DB phoned, a wire has come loose on his pacemaker, he is being transferred to another hospital, they are going to replace it. So at last we have some answers to the passing out episodes. I think it will be another week at least before he comes home.

1 comment:

  1. How marvelous it was discovered that DB needs his pacemaker repaired! Hope he gets to come home after that's done. I do wonder why nobody checked his EKG sooner.
    Take good care of you in the meantime, my friend!
    Still busy here.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...