Monday, May 20, 2024

Over slept

Late waking up, I had phoned Trevor last night about not coming today, he told me he had fallen off his bike and injured his arm, so would not have been coming anyway.

I had bought a melon, had some yesterday and another piece this morning for my breakfast with toast and honey.

Cleaner arrived and did her usual excellent job, even took the grill tops off the radiators and cleaned out the fluff.

Off to see DB a bit later, he was ok first thing, has a couple of tests this week, one of which he is not looking forward to. He had been asking for different pads for his monitor, he is allergic to the stuff they use for the sticky pads, he asked yesterday and said he was getting sores underneath them, after complaining they managed to find some. Last time he was in it took me ages to clear up the sore that had developed beneath the pad.

Bag is packed ready to go, just have to put it in the car will set off about 1.15pm hope the roads are ok and I manage to get a parking space ok. 

Supper tonight cold ham and salad, might do another few small potato's with it.


1 comment:

  1. Hope Trevor heals up quickly!
    I'm glad DB is speaking up for himself about those EKG pads causing skin irritation. His allergy to the other pads should be noted on his chart or record.
    Hopeing your found a parking place close to the door and that traffic wasn't heavy.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...