Tuesday, May 21, 2024


its raining, did get the bed linen dry yesterday, was going to do a load of coloureds, but its wet, so they can wait until tomorrow.

Went in to see DB, he is very tired, had an EEG yesterday, is due for his tilt test today, will see what happens then. I will be glad to get him home. It means more work for me, but at least I will not feel as though I am sitting on a hot potato waiting to hear from him, or the drive into and out of the hospital. I am manging quite well with the walker, think I will have to try and get a light one for myself. DB's is rather heavy. One chore I will no longer have to do is wash up. The machine does it for me.

Nothing much on today, need a quick trip to Aldi and also have some stuff for the Air Ambulance charity shop.

Changed my mind about the laundry, it looks loke its going to clear up, so laundry is in the machine.

Supper tonight chicken and rice.

1 comment:

  1. DB and I will share your gladness when he is back home. Hope there is a diagnosis and helpful med, exercise, or just getting up and down slowly and carefully.
    Laundry in the wassh here, too. The high today is 28*C.
    No sewing, but lots to do.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...