Friday, May 17, 2024

Rain ir sun

It does not seem to be able to make up its mind this morning. DB went for another scan yesterday, it is definately not his heart, they are now looking at neurological causes. He was diagnosed with BPPV some years ago, it looks as if that might have ramped up, it is literally almost 20 years ago. He used to have to do exercises which have long since been abandoned. It means he will be in hospital for another week. To say he is getting fed up is putting it mildly. he is due to have more tests next week.

It rained almost constantly yesterday, so laundry was dried on the airer in the porch. I brought it into the sitting room over night to finish it off. Bag is ready to take in this afternoon, just have to sort the walker.

Its bright and slightly warmer this morning, but keeps clouding over, guess I will have to take my rain coat with me, no desire to get soaked getting to and from the car park. I am going to set off at 12.45 in the hope that it might bw easier to get into the car park. 

I am not having fish and chips tonight, I had salmon last night and there is enough for sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. So will be having sweet and sour chicken instead.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry DB has to stay in hospital until the tests are done next week. I had wondered about postural hypotension but if that's in his history, the doctors should have considered it. What about the loose pacemaker wire?
    Hope you find DB in good spirits despite these bothers.
    The kids have gone to look at another house in a lovely neighborhood and fingers are crossed!

    Take good care of you!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...