Sunday, May 26, 2024

We are getting there

Yesterday afternoon DB slept for almost 2 hours, then complained he was dizzy. I put him back to bed and after about half an hour he said he was ok again. 

Spag bol for supper went down very well, he is just having a small main course no dessert.

We went to bed just before 9pm, he then had a series of visits to the loo, he fell asleep and slept right through. I lay reading for a while before I settled down.

Woke this morning to a wet garden, it cleared but then rained again. Not sure if Mac will come to do the garden, it is forecast for a thunderstorms this afternoon.

Supper tonight roast chicken, roast spuds, peas, beans and carrots. No dessert as he is not eating puddings.

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