Saturday, May 25, 2024

Shaking down

getting used to DB being home, yesterday was a good day, he had his lunch and went for his siesta, just over an hour. We watched a recorded programme on TV after he got up. Nothing out of the ordinary. GS, partner and GGD came is for a few minutes after school to check we were ok.

Watched an old Father |Brown on TV and then went to bed to read, light out just after 10pm. I managed to sleep for just over 9 hours, that has really brought my weekly average up.

Spag Bol for supper tonight. DB is eating smaller meals, he has also got a sheet of foods he should avoid to counteract the coughing and choking. Some of the things he really likes are on it, toast any thing with crumbs, pineapple is out too.


  1. Great to read DB is doing well and you are getting some decent sleep. It will be a learning curve avoiding the foods he should not eat.

  2. I'm so happy to hear you and DB had a good day yesterday and hope tosay will be goood, too.
    I wonder if bread pudding would be eash to swallow and not cause coughing. At DB's age, methinks the only reason for him to avoid any food he likes is for his own comfort, like not coughing.
    So glad you're sleeping better, too.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...