Sunday, June 2, 2024

I was not expecting that!!

DD2 and DGD said they were coming today and bringing lunch.....I smelt a rat...... was I being suspicious???.....apparently DGD who has PCOS is pregnant......having been told at 16 that she would never have a family, the baby is due in its an other baby quilt... I need to know if its a boy or a girl before I set my stall out. must admit I was rather surprised to say the least.

DB and I spent half an hour in the garden this morning, its very sunny and quite warm. I potted up some more lavender to grow on and sorted out a pot to go on the left hand side of the drive. Phoned Trevor I am going to pick him up in the morning. DB will have to tell him what needs doing.

A load of washing out on the whirly, it will be dry and hopefully very little ironing to do.

So just a light supper tonight, 

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to DGD and happy news about tis new greaat-grandchild. You can make the quilt in rainbow colors for either boy or girl. Just a thought.
    Busy day here and am already tired. Bother.



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