Monday, June 24, 2024

It aint half hot

glorious sun, although there is a breeze. Picked Trevor up, he is tackling trying to get the arch in, at the moment he is hacking away at some concrete.

Chap came last night and collected the cooker, so the cash will pay Trevor for 3 more weeks...........

Load of laundry in, it should dry well on the whirly. I have the fan on in the sitting room.

Another bad night last night, after 1am before I drifted off, wish we had a camp bed |I would sleep on that!! DB was fidgiting again. He had dropped off to sleep before I put the light off.

No idea whats for supper it will be something cold, thats for sure!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to have a reliable gardener and that Trevor does well. I wish him well with the arch!
    It's hot here, too, 34*C and we're still very dry tho we got a brief rain yesterday.
    I'd like to get back to sewing but just now I alck the energy. Bother!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...