Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sunny again

Another sunny morning, DB managed to trip last night, I have had enough, he knows that if he falls he has to get himself up. He can do just what he likes.........The OT chap came this morning and has signed DB off.

No plans for today, I have towels etc out on the line, there is a fair breeze so I decided to wash the towels.

There seems to be something going on at the school, children have been going up with sleeping bags and bedding..... there are cars parked in all sorts of places.

We have decided to keep Trevor on, I will fetch him each week on a Monday, he does twice as much work as Mac who is really just learning. He is quite happy to have a roll or sandwich at lunch time and I make sure his coffee mug is topped up.

I am rather cross with my old cleaner, apparently she has made some disparaging remarks about us moving, into town, what we do is our business and no one elses, yes it was a lovely bungalow, but when I stop driving it would become untenable, plus in 3 - 4 years time moving would just not be an option. Neither of us would be able to cope with it. I have to admit she was getting more money but to be honest she spent more time talking than working. My new cleaner comes in does a fantastic job, has a quick chat whilst we cahnge the bed, and thats it. I always offer her a drink which she drinks on the hoof.

Enough...... we are having salad for supper, I have lettuce which DB grew. No plans for a dessert.


1 comment:

  1. Does DB neem an updated Zimer frame called a Roll-a-tor or some such so he'll be steadier? Most have a seat so he can sit, too.
    Shame on your old cleaner carrying tales that are none of her business!
    It's another horridly humid day here and our all day rain has gone somewhere else.
    I'm going to mix up some tuna salad for lunch.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...