Saturday, June 8, 2024

We watered

the garden last night, overnight it rained!!! Could have saved ourselves the effort.

A much better night, over 9 hours which will briing my weekly average up a bit.

DGS is coming tomorrow to put the arch together, so we went to Tool Station to get post crete. If its fine on Monday Trevor will put the posts in and we can put the concrete in, bobs your uncle.

DB is getting more contencious by the day, a spat this morning about where I parked the car, was informed the bin men will not be able to get past the car, so I have parked the car on the road. I am beginning to get like another lady whose blog I follow. 

The rain has cleared for the time being. Was asked if I was going to pot up the plants in the porch, I had already said I would do them tomorrow.......I went down to the bottom of the garden and had a silent scream, afraid if I had done it out loud we would have had heaven knows what turning up including the men in white coats!!

So supper tonight is ADB, its a couple of weeks since we had one. I have started a list for Aldi. Found some rasps so going to do rasps in jelly will do us for dessert for 3 days at least.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, friend, I've been busy going to see houses with DS1 and am too whipped to bother with the computer when I get back home. Sorry for being absent here and am golad your pacemaker appt wehrn well.

    Big hugs!


Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...