Sunday, July 21, 2024


much cooler yesterday, although I did have to have the fan in in the sitting room for a while first thing. It clouded over a few times and there were a few drops of rain, but that was all.

I set to and assembled the second walker, we will need them both tomorrow when DB goes to get his 24 hour BP monitor fitted. I also bashed the wheets and handles onto the new dustbin with the lump hammer. I could not find the wooden mallet, not udea where it is.

It is cooler this morning, still have the sitting room curtains closed, it was quite warm in there when I went through to get our Sunday breakfast going. I opened the back door to the porch and left the  house back door open, there is a breeze blowing. Hopefully tomorrow will be even cooler. I have to arrange to collect Trevor at about 9am, we will take him back just afer 1pm and then continue in to the hospital.

The garden is coming on slowly, I think we may be finished the cutting back etc by the end of August, just now I need to take cuttings of things I want to save. The crocosmia is in bloom a splash of orange in the borders, once it has finished flowering it is getting cut down and then the roots dug up. I will save a couple of bits in each bed, but it will never be allowed to grow like that again, whilst we live here. There is a clause in the rental agreement about keeping the garden tidy...........hmmmmm. DB is being sensible about going out into the garden whilst it is so hot. 

No laundry tomorrow, will do it on Tuesday, am considering sending the sheet and quilt cover to be professionally ironed, I have a problem lift ing the press up and there is no room to have it permanantly on its stand.

Supper tonight is chicken, new potatoes and mixed veg. Will do the chocolate sponge for DB.

1 comment:

  1. Ian't it lovely to have cooler days in the midst of summer. It brings the reminder of beautirul autumn in the weeks ahead.
    I'm told my new computer will at last be ready for my use soon and I hope I can once again see what I'm writing rather than white text on a whote background!
    We had more heavy rain yesterday and rain is in the forecast for every day in thecoming week.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...