Monday, July 1, 2024

I hate Mondays

another terrible night, I really must get hold of average for last week was 5 hours!!

Cleaner here , usual excellent job, fetched Trevor, he has also done a great job more plants in, the front garden weeded and a few more plants put  in and also he has edged the grass at the back. Split the campanula I bought from Hose, it made 5 clumps to go in along the edge of the wall in the front.

Rain was forecast, I had stripped the bed, the sheets etc on the line, it came over very dark, so I fetched them in, the wind had dried them, they are just damp enough to iron possibly tomorrow.

I took Trevor back whilst DB was having his siesta. He really seems to enjoy coming. I keep him up with coffee and I put a thermos of water with ice cubes in for him as well. I had some chicken left from yesterday so I wizzed it up with half an onion, salt and pepper, mixed  Mayo in and used it for rolls at lunch time.

Yesterday I cooked a piece of gammon, so sliced it up on the slicer, we had some for supper along with some salad and new potato's.

I am getting concerned about the amount of pain in my lower back, I suppose I should really start taking the pain killers regularly rather than when the pain is bad. I am wiped out, fell asleep on the settee for over an hour this afternoon. I need to sort out my Mondays and pace myself a bit better.


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