Friday, July 26, 2024

Not so different in the town as it was in the country. The same jobs still need to be done, washing, cooking, cleaning etc. The big difference is a school at the top of the road, more traffic,15 miles less to drive to do the shopping, and a bus that stops outside the house to go into town.

We still have neighbours and there is still the sounds of living going on round about us. 

We do miss our next door neighbours from the close, it was great having a handy man lkiving next door, they were so helpful to us in the 4 years they livednext to us at no.14. 

Its a shame the garden was allowed to get so overgrown, it has cost us a mint to get it sorted and it still needs work, hopefully we will sort it before I lay Trevor off for the winter.

Yesterday afternoon I went over to have a cup of tea with Lily, she had been asking me to go over for ages......I spent an hour talking to her, reminded me of the times I spent talking to Beryl. Lily is 92, so just a bit older than DB, she still keeps everywhere clean and tidy, but has a gardener to keep her garden tidy.

DB has been clearing out the garage, he has put a load of small pots out to go to the basker at QD. I also have a bag to go to the charity shop. I might have a quick look round whilst we are there. We still have a way to go with the garage, the boxes with Strulsh in are in front of the garage door, it will be good to get them moved. Its a bit like trying to wend your way through a maze.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, possibly banana with ice cream for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can invite your former neighbors from No 14 over for tra or lunch when you have the house like you want it.
    Nice to have a bus to take you into town as often as you choose to go.
    Dh is si this morning and is trying to think of something better.
    Rain is likely this afternoon so cannot mow the knee high gras yet.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...