Saturday, July 27, 2024

I did it

first night this week I have  broken the 8 hour sleep, three days it was 7 hrs plus, one night 5 hours.

Fine, sunny morning, DB wanted to go to QD, to take some excess small plant pots, we anaged to pick up 7 9cm pots which I need for potting on. We also got more resolva for the weeds.

DB has been in the garage clearing more stuff out. It is beginning to look tidier and easier to get round. Hoping to get the strulch spread when Trevor comes on  Monday.

The plants I watered last night have perked up, not rain forecast for some time. We are back to having to use the hose. Fingers crossed its not too expensive. If we can I need to see if we can make monthy payments.

We have discovered the buildin at the back which is going up, is a deck and a shed. I just hope they are not going to start having racous parties, Our bedroom is at the back.

Supper tonight is all day breakfast, ice cream for dessert. 

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for your better nights of sleep! May they continue every night in the future.
    Nice to have what you need for your garden.
    I share your hope the neighbors are loud on their new deck. In our area, the neighbors are mostly considerate, the houses aren't so very far apart, but the length of the properties in long, front to back.
    31*C here today but the humidity is lower so it's cooler in the shade.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...