Monday, July 15, 2024

Oh dear

Last night sleep registered as 2 hours however was more than that not sure if my fitbit is working properly!!

Up and off to collect Trevor, When I got back the cleaning lady had arrived and was busy in the bathroom. I have ordered a new mattress which comes on Thursday, so did not change the bed, will do it after the mattress has arrived. I am not happy with the mattress I am replacing, it had only lasted 5 years, the springs on the edge have collasped on both sides of the bed. It was not cheap either. The fashion these days seems to be for a mattress that you just turn round not one to turn over.

I was sad to see the Spaniard will Wimbledon, Djokovic has long been a favorite of mine, somehow he did not seem himself......

Not sure about supper tonight, will have to have a freezer rake. The lemoncello was very nice, we have raspberry trifle for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got more sleep than is recorded as you'd be fragging today if it was only 2 hours.
    We're also talking about a new mattress and it's just worng that only the horribly expensive mattresses can still be flipped over.
    Making another casserole for DS2 today and have sheets in the washer.
    It is hot again - 37*C but more rain is in the forecast for the end of the week.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...