Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I forgot to post yesterday, blame the heat!! it was blistering again and is still very warm today. The forecast is for rain on Thursday, I cannot wait.

Trevor was here yesterday, the front beds have been weeded and now have strulsh spread on, hopefully that will deal with the weeds. A 2" layer is what is recommended. More work done in the back as well.

Reeling a bit from the news from the new government yesterday they are canclling the winter fuel payment and we are going to have to pay tax on our pensions. We paid for our pensions whilst we were working, now they want us to pay over again.....more than blooming cheek!!

Fan is on in the sitting room, curtains and blinds closed, it was hot sleeping last night although I managed almost 9 hours, better than Sunday which was about 6.

All is quiet with the school closed, also the traffic into the town is much lighter as the road is closed between Melton and Burton Lazars, so we ony get local traffic.

I need to phone The Harboro for a table for Sunday lunch. I also need to make a trial baking of scones ready for next week.

Not sure whats for supper tonight, need something cool, may be a salad of some sort.......not sure, I have some tinned tuna, could do tunna mayo with hard boiled egg......hmmmm....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the double tax on your pensions and the cancellation of the winter fuel help. No fair!
    So glad you're sleeping better and better.
    Well done, Trevor, and his good help in the garden.
    We need a gardener here but it's too costly. DH canot breathe outdoors when the pollen is high or it's really humid. Makes mowing a problem
    Am still making fabric hearts.
    We have a 50/50 chance of storms this eve.



Getting there

Both of us in hospital, hopefully home tomorrow, depends on how they manage to get a care package arranged. Dr's are changing my medicat...