Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The orange peril

 The mystery plant that grew like a weed is in bloom, it is indeed a crocosmia.

The crocosmia, there are 3 others in various parts of the garden.

Went to Aldi this morning for bits I cannot get from Morrison, spent just under my weekly budget, so that was ok.

DGD messaged me to say the baby is a boy, so now I need to sort out patterns for a quilt.

Its not so warm today, there is quite a breeze which helps, rain has been forecast for later, not convinced......if it does not rain I will have to water the ground cover plants we put in on Monday. Trevor made inroads into the last bed at the top of the garden found 2 peonies up there, would like to move them, but after the experience with my Grandmother, I am a bit reluctant. I have told DB he can have that small bit for his veg he wants to grow.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash, will do peas with it, need to sort out a dessert.

1 comment:

  1. The crocosmia is such a preggy plant and is a delightful and healthy addition to your garden!
    Have fun planning and making the quilt for your newest family member!
    We got 2.77" of torrential rain yesterday and may have more storms today. Glub, glub!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...