Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still warm

but the wind has changed direection.

I collected Trevor, DB had several jobs for him to do including plant up the ground cover plants for the dry bed under the tree. They have bulked up nicely. We had to ring re the second green bin, its had cost me another £7 a month for it to be collected.

We left at 1pm to take Trevor back and then went on to the hospital, We managed to park ok and were early for DB;s appointment, but they saw him early. We were home, exhausted just after 3.30pm. I had a problem getting the walkers in the car, ended up having  to put part of the back seat down to take the two. How I wish we had bought an estate wagon!!!

Its a bit cooler today, no rain forecast until Thursday, I have a load of washing to hang out, it will dry in the wind.

Supper tonight beef with rice.........I need to go to Aldi tomorrow for some veg and get a couple of items I cannot get from Morrison.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the bothers with 2 walkers in your car. as my small car would carry two Rollator walkers. Sorry of thisgs are misspelled - still white text on white backgtound. Beyond annoying. I'm told my new computer will be ready in a few weeks!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...