Monday, September 16, 2024


Its 'ot. Sun was shining when I went to collected Trevor, By the time I got to take him home it was blistering. I called at Tesco for fuel and then drove home. The estate agent was waiting for me, she had a cancellation so came early, to inspect the property, lots of photos taken. I am afraid she was the type of lady I cannot stand.........DB said he felt the same.

Called for petrol on the way home, the petrol station is under attack, 4 pumps have disappeared, no idea what they are doing. I usually pay cash, but had to use my CC.

Trevor worked his usual miracle in the garden, he has moved some of the pots into the empty space in the top bed. We really just have the two overgrown crocosmia ? bushes to see to and the garden will be ok.

DGD came home from hospital last evening, the pain has subsided, I expect it will rear its head again before long. They are trying to get her far enough along the road towards her delivery date.

Frittata and salad for supper tonight, I was going to do rice pudding, but its too hot. So it will be ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your weather is hot again and hope it's not also humid as it is here. Our forecast is for storms day and night from early tomorrow morning until Wednesday midday and then there is a good chance of more rain for the following 3 days.
    How nice Trevor has your new garden nearly perfect as winter draws closer. Will any of your plants need to overwinter indoors?
    I continue to wish your DGD and her baby well.
    Had a nice visit with Z&L last eve after their arrival. As you might imagine, their cat was over the moon happy to see them.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...