Friday, September 13, 2024


early doors, the road alterations have finished and at last we can go 2 minutes up the road for books.  The new roundabout is massive and only one side each way is open the rest is coned off. There were several  books on the  ordered shelf for us both along with the new timetable. 9.30 instead of 9am. There were several people waiting all with the same complaint they were not told the van was broken down, so like us they had to wait 6 weeks for the next visit. I managed to get 9 books and DB has one I can read as well.

Bright sunny morning but brrrrr is was down to 14c in the sitting room when I came through, I opened the blinds and its warming up nicely. I will have to put the small fire on later to see us through to bedtime. I have decided I will start the cot quilt on Monday, new week new project. I do need to do another sample first though.

DB continues to drive me nuts at times, I can tell him something and 2 minutes later he has forgotten. I could not find the tin with the ground coffee in. I keep it in the fridge.......found it on the shelf in the cupboard..... Hey Ho, no point saying anything, it will happen again I know.

His medication will be down to 1 tablet a day on Sunday for 4 days then half, they are really small I have a job to break them in half, my thumb nail works best. I am back on painkillers twice a day, so need to up the amount of water I drink.

Shepherds pie went down well last night. Its fish and chips tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I just don't see the sense in those "round abouts" road crews are adding to intersections. Seems they would significantly increase the chance of accidents and only save on either STOP signs or traffic lights (and the electricity to power them). Am glad you and DB were able to get your library books.
    Oh, I so hear you on the frustrations of dealing with someone with memory problems or just isn't paying attention. What aggravation!
    Wish I could still eat what I wanted to without bothersome GI results for delicious but foods I shouldn't eat. Sigh.
    Still much to do to ready the two houses for the Sunday arrival of Z&L but we'll do what we can. Fatigue and R's sleep disorder do throw a spanner in the works, as our South African friend says.
    I look forward to seeing your progress on the cot quilt!




Very tired this morning, managed just over 7 hours. Mothers day gift from DD2 and family, Cornish cream tea, so we will have afternoon tea a...