Sunday, October 13, 2024

An enjoyable night

We had a really good night, Tim collected us just after 6pm. By the time we say down there were 18 of us enjoying a meal. I am not sure but I think that because it was a smaller number it was a really good time, the first time we have enjoyed ourselves as much since we started supporting events at the Chapel. Tim delivered us back home aroud 9.40.

We were sad to learn that Joan, our oldest member after DB was in hospital and had been for the last 2 weeks. She has been increasingly frail over the past couple of years. I think the concensus is that she really needs more care, possbly with carers but more likely in an assisted living situation.

We were just going out when DB's sister rang, I will ring her back later today.

After a lot of soul seeking and discussion, it has been decided that I get a second sewing/embroidery machine, so I have to collect a Brother NV2700 when I take my Lumi in on Friday. We have booked to stay the night and travel back on Saturday. DB has also told me to put my name down for the retreat next March, so I will not have to tout the Lumi but can take the much lighter new machine. I have my name on the list and paid the deposit. 

Its sunny but very cold this morning. Supper tonight is gammon and veggies, possibly ice cream for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Playing catch-up. I finished the next Ukraine quilt top yesterday and wore myself out.
    I'm glad the Harvest meal and folks there were so enjoyable!
    What a great new embroidery machine you're getting soon!!! Will it also sew when the embroidery hoop is removed?



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...