Friday, October 11, 2024

oh my

this coming week is going to be expensive. We are staying in Town on wednesday night after going to see The Strawbridges, friday we are staying in Sheffield.....I have to take my machine up to the dealers to try and sort out the problem that a stuck piece of thread has caused. I have elected to drive up and drop the machine on Friday and stay over, pick it up and travel back on Saturday. So over £200 on hotels and heaven knows how much on fuel. I will fill the car up before go to  Leicester on wednesday. After having a chat with DB I am going to look for a second hand machine that I can have in reserve in case this happens again. I just cannot be without a machine in the busy parts of the year.  Have just had two orders come in. There is also the fact that when, in the future, we have to go into a one bedroom, apartment and I no longer have a sewing room. I can sell my Luminaire and still have an embroidery machine. OK not such an expensive one, but one that will do the job.

Its turned into a sunny day, but we had a frost overnight, it was 3c when we went to bed last night and 1c when we got up.

Had a phone call last night from a friend asking if we would like to go to the Harvest Supper at the chapel in Hose. She is arranging for sosmeone to pick us up, so I do not have to drive in the dark.

Supper tonight, fish and chips.......

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a wonderful, useful trip in getting your sewing machine fixed and that bothersome thread found as well as seeing The Strawbridges. Hope you don't have to mind the cost and just enjoy yourself!
    I hear you about needing a back-up sewing machine that fits in your home as you continue to downsize in the future.
    Enjoy the Harvest Supper, too, and it was so kind of your friend to arrange transportation for you.
    DH saw his cardiologist this morning and has some medication changes but otherwise is okay. After that we wore ourselves out at the grocery store but at least that's done for a week or more.



An enjoyable night

We had a really good night, Tim collected us just after 6pm. By the time we say down there were 18 of us enjoying a meal. I am not sure but ...