Monday, October 21, 2024


Did not post, nothing really to post.

The hotel got my email re the overcharge, they rand this morning, one payment has gone, waiting for the second to go........

Clare was here cleaning this morning, she always does such a good job, quick but through.

Collected Trevor, he thinks that one more week will see the garden sorted until the spring. I just have the tulips to plant in the pots and make sure the rose on the front gets enough water.

Waiting on the delivery of my second machine, it should come sometime today, no message or anything so far. Finished the Drummer boys coat and on to his face now. Had hoped to finish today, but doubt it now, hopefully I will get it done to take away with us on Friday.

We had very high winds and an absolute blattering of rain yesterday, garage flooded again. At least the pram is on wheels now so not likely to suffer with mould.

Supper tonight will be egg and chips. No dessert.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice that Claire has cleaned the cottage and Trevor has the garden nearly ready for winter. It all must look so pleasant.
    Good, too, that the pram is up on wheels so air flow will keep it fresh.
    Wishing you well on the Drummer Boy completion in the 4 days until your departure. I join your hope he's finished by Wednesday or Thursday.
    I seem to have run out of juice or whatever so am more inclined to sit and read than to do anything else. How annoying. Perhaps I can sew the few seams needed to finish a slab of orange/brown fabric scraps and then cut it into hearts.




Did not post, nothing really to post. The hotel got my email re the overcharge, they rand this morning, one payment has gone, waiting for th...