Wednesday, November 6, 2024


I think I have found a way to retrieve DB's lost journal, will see later, at the moment he is in bed with a dizzy......

Yesterday I managed to get quite a bit done on the drummer boy, the last piece is very 'bitty' hope to finsh him later today or tomorrow.

Stuff is coming through for the retreat, I have to cross my fingers and hope that DB is ok........I stand to loose £500 if he is not. I hope by March we will have seen the specialist that DB has been referred to.

Dull grey morning and cold, people going by with coats, hats and scarves on.

Supper poached smoked haddock and poached egg, with bread and butter.


1 comment:

  1. Cheers for your brilliance in retrieving the lost journal info and hope it works perfectly on the first attempt - all while DB isn't looking over your shoulder!
    Congrats on nearly finishing the Drummer Boy, too. I look forward to seeing his photo in due time.
    The election was tragic and we and millions of others stand to lose our Social Security income (we paid into all of our working lives) and Medicare. What were people thinking?
    I hope to get started on a flannel cover for DIL's heating pad today.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...