Monday, November 25, 2024

More rain

it rained all day yesterday, this morning, bright sun.....I managed 9+ hours of sleep last night, I began to wonder if I was ever going to get another decent nights sleep.

Laundry donne, dried most of it in the dryer, so dried, folded and put away.

Nothing else done, still very tired.

Supper tonight egg, chips and beans, finished off some icecream for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. You have good reason to still be very tired and am glad you slept well last night.
    I am not looking forward to our trip to library because thereafter we go to the grocery so will be worn out by the time we get home and put away the frozen and cold things. Sometimes we leave non-refrigerated items in their bags until the next day.



Its the weekend!!

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