Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Rain again

It started to rain about 8pm last night, this morning there is a pool of water on the garage floor, I doubt we will ever get anything done about obviously coming in through the brick work.

Morrison delivery, they had substituted 3 things, I did not want them so sent them back, made a difference of over £10 to the bill!! I have to go to Aldi tomorrow to do a small stock up, will get what was returned from there, probably at half the cost.

Twels wahsed and in the dryer, the rain seems to have stopped for now, not holding my breath.

Supper tonight cooked gammon and salad. I got a couple og sponge puddings, so might have one of this for dessert. No sorting in the sewing room as yet, am still recovering from a few sleepless nights.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you're having to contend with fatigue from those sleepless nights. A Nana nap is the order of the day!
    Might you contact the housing counsel again to report the garage is still flooding?
    We've marked our grocery deliveries as 'no substitutions' after we got too many unwanted items.
    Will be starting to cook for Thanksgiving today.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...