Saturday, November 23, 2024

The snow has gone

we now have rain hissing down and a gale force wind blowing. 

This the stall for the craft fair.

To say it was a bit of a fiasco is putting it mildly. We got there just before 9.30, cars everywhere. DB had to go and ask the organiser to ask someone to move from the disabled parking space, it was done with a bad grace. We got set up and then just waited, and waited and waited. over the cost of the table we made the grand sum of £38.50!! So I have quite a bit to shift somehow....... I had made the decision that it would be the last time we did a fair.

It has rained all day, so the snow and ice has melted away, an easier journey home and no problem reversing the car in. Every thing is unpacked and put away for now, some will be coming out again in due course, including the Nutcracker and drummer. I have to find the santa etc, I know there are here, its finding what I did with them. Have a nasty feeling it might be an up the ladder to the loft.

To shattered to cook, so supper will be poached egg on toast.


  1. Your stall looks very inviting. I hadn't realised how big the Drummer and nutcracker were. What a shame there weren't many buyers.

  2. Sorry for being tardy. Wonder if the bad weather made lots of shoppers stay home. Their loss! Your table and surroundings look so lovely with your beautiful creations! At least you made some profit so that's a plus.
    I imagine that home never looked so good after you made it back there.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...