Sunday, December 15, 2024

Its done

In the window, just as I pressed the shutter I slipped!! So not straight.

So we are just 10 days away from Christmas, Apart from the shopping delivery next Friday we have quite a busy week. I have to go and get more Christmas cards.......several I was not expecting came through the post.
So this mornings job was putting the dressing on the window, I was standing on the stones and my foot slipped just as I was pressing the shutter, sorry it looks as if they were drunk.

Usual breakki in bed, shower, dressed and up just after 11am.....a bit late for us but who is counting?

Quiet day yesterday, did not eat supper until well after 6pm, we watched the Downton Film again, then retired to bed to read. I managed 7 hours.

Supper tonight is roast chicken etc, depends on DB wether we have any dessert.



  1. Looking very festive Ann, love all of them. Great job.

  2. What lovely seasonal and holiday creations you've made and that add such cheer to your window!
    Hope you didn't hurt yourself when your foot slipped as you took the picture.
    Cold and wet here but too warm for snow.
    Hope to make a microwave cozy today but am not feeling so great, so that may not happen. Bother!



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...