Saturday, December 14, 2024


 the lunch was teriffic as usual,  just 24 of us, we both asked for small servings and that was what we got, so two clean plates, we both had a small Christmas pudding, DB had custard, I had brandy sauce, mince pies, coffee and mint chocolates.......we were both very full..... DB did not go for his siesta, it was 3pm by the time we got home. Supper was rolls and a jam tart!! A friend who sat with us said she had been to two other Christmas meals, neither of which were as good as yesterdays. There is no charge, but a basket is put out for donations. It was announced that as from January there would be a lunch the 4th Friday of the month, its a trial to see how it goes, it was a suggestion made at the Harvest Supper in October. 

I did have a better night, but then I was exhausted. Its fine but very cold, the sun is shining, we did have rain last nnight DB said the back patio had small puddles on it.

So an easy day today, late getting up, but I had said I was not rushing to get up, we sat down to toast and coffee just after 10am.

I need to get the decoration stuff out, we need extra room for cards as well as the christmas cottages......

Supper will be fish and chips.

                                     Just at the pudding stage.

                        Four helpers gone to get coffee and mints.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the Christmas meal at the chapel was as delicious as always and I know it was a pleasure to see friends there.
    Nice to have had a good night's sleep!
    Do you put up a very small Christmas tree now? Both my mother and AMIL did that when they reached your age.
    The kids are at the new house today, cleaning, and waiting for their new refrigerator to be delivered. I suggested they take two of our folding chairs and they thought that an excellent idea.



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...