Thursday, December 19, 2024

Oh double brrr

sun is shining but its down to 3. We had a massive rain storm last night over an 1" of rain.

Coffee morning went well, I had to call at the chemist and pick up part of DB's script, the rest should be delivered today. The usual crowd were at the coffee morning. I have ordered a quilt for Rosalind, managed to forget Eileens book marks......Tim came at lunch time and collected them. My fit bit does not seem to be working properly, it did register almost 8 hours last night, I was in bed and asleep by 11pm. We were late getting up this morning, the ironing lady was due, so I finally managed out of bed just after 9am.

Delivery coming tomorrow......I need a quick visit to Aldi on Monday for fresh veg etc.....and then it will be doors shut until Boxing Day. This time in 2 weeks we will be into 2025........I shudder to think what might be ahead of us..........

No sure about supper tonight........ might do DB lasange, there is a small portion of chicken pasta which needs using up so I will have that maybe with a sour dough baguette. Tomorrow is fish and chip night........

1 comment:

  1. Nicer to have rain than the complications and hazards that come with snow.
    Another good night's sleep for you!!
    How nice to have had an enjoyable coffee morning! Did Rosalind ask you to make a quilt for her or her family?
    Don't remind me of how 2025 looms ahead as we face the horrors and threats from Trump.



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...