Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Our tally

of great grand children has now gone up to 11 the youngest was born just after 12am this morning, a little boy, no idea of weight etc.......have just received pictures. I need to get a move on and get his quilt bound.

He was due to be born by C section tomorrow, but arrived naturally just a few days early. He is to be called Emillio Nicholas, quite a mouthful, have no doubts his name will be shortened.

DB managed to fall again when I got back from the post office, stupid man came out in his slippers, he did not get any sympathy, afraid its run out....... I managed to get a Christmas cactus from Lidl for our over the road neighbour for Christmas, so will take it over to her later.

Sunny but cold morning, load of laundry in the dryer another in the machine. I am running out of knickers!!

Supper tonight egg and chips.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations of Emillio's safe arrival and without that C-section, too. Excellent!! It's hard to guess his size from the photo, but trust there will be other photos in the future!
    Sorry about DB's fall and I hear you about being completely out of sympathy when it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
    It's been cold but the weekend promises two 16*C days so that will be nice.
    Have just paid bills which is hardly fun.
    Hope to sew some today but will have to see what the day brings.



1st Day

without the brace........ gentlr day, not too much walking about, leg feeld weird with out the brace, Knee feels heavy. Its been another rea...