Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thats it

Christmas is past for another year, Boxing day to recover and get ready for 2025. DB reminded me that when he was young, they worked Christmas Day but had Hogmanay off. Riotous behaviour was expected and in many cases resulted in more that a headache next day. My MIL cleaned the house and put out the fire, all laundry etc was washed dried and ironed and then the table prepared for visitors......The fire was relight just after midnight to usher in the new year, and then a round of first nighting began. A dark haired man knocked on the door bringing a lump of coal for the fire and salt for the food. A glass of whisky was drunk and then he went on to the next the end he was more than drunk!!!! How do I know, DB was the dark haired man!!

When I worked in Scotland, workers saved up enough flexi time to have 10 days off over the holiday only returning, at the eraliest, on January 3rd and often still 'pickeled'. DB and I always volunteered to work over the holiday, using the extra days to add to our annual holiday entitlement. In 1992 it allowed us almost 3 weeks to spend with DB's cousin and family on the first of our visits to the USA as well as a fortnight in France in the Spring.

We spent a quiet day yesterday, watched a bit of TV, DB is into puzzling, I spent some time in the sewing room, and we ate in the early evening, Turkey with all the trimmings. We have enough cold for another couple of meals. We were late getting up, so did not have our usual smoke salmon and rocket salad. The salmon is now in the freezer, the salad will get used over the next couple of days.

This afternoon we are going down to DD2's for a while, she puts on a help yourself meal and you do just that.

Christmas Eve we had a surprise, cleaner Clare camw with a Christmas log and a card. The log is residing in the porch, where its freezing cold, until I have space for it in the fridge. 

So thats our Christmas, we hope you all enjoyed yours, and wish you everything you wish for yourselves for 2025.

1 comment:

  1. What an enjoyable post and hope your afternoon visit with DD2 is a delight. We sent a round rainbow puzzle to DH's aunts and they're unsure whether to start it or not!
    We were 5 around the table along with much laughter and good food. It is such a joy to have DS1 and DIL here. :-)
    I seem to have eaten too much normal food so am paying the price today. Bother!



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...