Friday, December 27, 2024

Boxing Day

ended with DB on his way to hospital with chest pains.......wonderful, of course I got no sleep, so stayed in bed until 11am, hunger got me out of bed.

I phoned at lunchtime and was told he may be home tonight, he has had a couple of sessions of the pitter patters..... He has been on a monitor, they are now trying to  get him home. He did ring me and has also sent a couple of emails. They want him to use a walker in the house...... not a fan, might see if we can get a trolley like the one his sister has.

So thats it I am waiting to see if he makes it home today or tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear! Wishing you both well as you deal with this upset.
    Is a walker those silver colored things with tennis balls on two legs and a trolley one that has a seat, basket under the seat, and hand brakes? If so, my mother had a red trolley that was used by AMIL and FIL had a blue trolley that is available for DH should he need it.
    Take good care of you, too.

    Big hugs!



But they tell me it's very cold. Carer was later this morning, all done and dusted. Have managed to sort out stuff for DB tomorrow.  He ...