Sunday, January 19, 2025

Frustrating but busy morning

The new car arrived at the dealers yesterday, so we went over to have a look at it, it is a special addition model, nice and clean, although it will be valeted before we pick it up.

Originally arranged to pick it up on Thursday, then realised it would have to be Monday as we have an appointment on Thursday. They were going to deliver another journey into Leicester.......

Remind me not to swap the car again!! Not that I am likely to do that. I have to renew my licence for 3 years in August, I will not be renewing it. At that point I will be 85. There are enough decrepit drivers on the road as it is. We are now picking the new one up on Monday morning, the insurance kicks in at 12 noon Monday. I will have to finish cleaning it out tomorrow.

So, its fine but very cold, down the zero the last time I looked at the thermometer. 

DB has decided he is not going for his siesta, so I expect him to fall asleep watching TV this evening.

Supper tonight, sausage mash and peas.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the new car is a delight and just perfect for you and DB. The cost of new cars and good used cars is just appalling, so we hope not to need one soon.
    Our snow is melting but too much is left so it is still slippery in some shady places.
    DS2 got a pound of ground turkey and a few other items when the grocery delivery folks gave him someone else's bag of groceries in addition to his own. Somebody else got his bananas, tho. Anyway, to use the turkey up, I made him Middle Eastern skinny burgers (shaped like hot dogs) seasoned with ground cumin, cinnamon, ground coriander seed, ground ginger, kosher salt, and black pepper. Each measurement was a teaspoon or less. If I make it again, will use less cinnamon! The recipe was his choice of 6 other recipes I found online and hope he likes it.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...